Digital Marketing
Pros and Cons of Writing Content With AI

To use AI or not to use AI? That is the question. No one can deny that Artificial Intelligence has rapidly transformed various industries, including content creation. AI-powered language models have emerged as powerful tools for generating written content efficiently and effectively. But while AI writing tools are helpful, they're not meant to replace human writers.

"In 2023, many businesses are looking to leverage more tools to increase content output and improve SEO, and AI-generated content is a popular solution." - Tristen Taylor, HubSpot
However, a word of caution. Like any other technological advancement, using AI for content creation can have positives and negatives. Whether you're a writer, business owner, or simply curious about the potential of AI, join us as we look into the benefits and challenges of using AI in content creation.
The Advantages of AI in Content Creation
1. Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity
AI-powered content generation can significantly enhance productivity by automating certain aspects of the writing process. These language models can generate high-quality content quickly. This equals free time for writers to focus on more strategic tasks such as content strategy, editing, etc. This is particularly valuable when dealing with large volumes of content.
"Human writers — even at their most productive — can take hours to churn out quality blog posts or marketing materials. By contrast, your average AI tool will take under a minute to produce a similar product." - Tristen Taylor, HubSpot

2. Cost-effectiveness
Hiring professional content writers or agencies can be expensive. AI-powered content creation offers a cost-effective alternative. By leveraging AI, individuals, and organizations can produce large volumes of content without incurring substantial costs.
According to James Hare from Search Engine Land, human writers can cost a few hundred dollars per content project, depending on factors such as:
- The number of articles.
- Length per article.
- The technical knowledge required.
In comparison, AI subscriptions are usually under $100 for an annual subscription. However, remember that work done by a person is a great investment when looking for quality content. But for small businesses or startups, AI-generated content is a good way to start with more simplistic content.
3. Scalability and Consistency
AI models can generate content at scale while maintaining consistency in tone, style, and brand voice. This is particularly important for companies with extensive content needs across various platforms, ensuring a cohesive brand presence.
Other benefits of this efficiency that James Hare mentions include:
- Meeting the speed-to-market requirement for trending topics.
- The localization of language for each product or service in geographic regions.
- Developing unique social media content with personalization for each platform.
4. Improved SEO
Without a doubt, one of the strongest selling points for AI-generated content is its SEO-related capabilities. AI-powered SEO tools can analyze vast amounts of data and identify relevant keywords that have high search volumes and low competition. These tools can analyze your content and provide recommendations to improve its search engine visibility.
"The AI tool can suggest keywords for the content writer. By using these keyword suggestions throughout an article, the content appears higher in search engine rankings if it follows the rest of the guidelines of being authoritative and is written by a person." - Amanda Hetler,
5. Helps With Writer's Block
Writer's block can be frustrating, especially if you are under the pressure of a deadline. Nothing is worse than staring at a blank screen, and no creative thoughts come to mind. This is when AI writing tools come in handy. AI-powered language models can provide a fresh perspective and generate ideas when stuck. They can help to kick-start your ideas and creativity.
"Even if you're solely using AI to look up content ideas and not write the entire article, you've already won half the battle. For many writers, their biggest hurdle is beginning, and if AI can help you overcome that step, then the rest will be much more manageable." - Tristen Taylor, HubSpot

The Disadvantages of AI in Content Creation
1. Lack of Emotional Intelligence
Content writing requires an emotional connection with readers. AI struggles to understand and evoke emotions effectively. Emotional intelligence is crucial for producing content that resonates with readers more deeply. AI-generated content may come across as cold and detached, impacting its effectiveness.
Also, successful content writing requires creativity, which AI can only partially replicate. While AI language tools may be able to assist you, they still can't entirely do your job for you. Which, to be honest, is probably for the best.
"Creative content makes articles more engaging. People tend to share articles they feel a connection to, but AI does not have the emotional intelligence to create a story, instead adding facts to an outline." - Amanda Hetler,

2. Inaccuracies and Errors
AI models rely heavily on the data they are trained on, and if the training data contains biases or inaccuracies, it can be reflected in the generated content. AI systems may unintentionally produce incorrect or misleading information. Human writers can fact-check and verify the information before including it in their content, which AI may need help to replicate effectively.
"Although ChatGPT shows potential to assist in educating and learning, at least for now it is important to not believe everything the bot says and to always check for inaccuracies." - Mad Communications
Basically, take the information that AI gives you with healthy skepticism and double-check before publishing content. Spreading false information could end up damaging your brand's image.
3. Possible Plagiarism
AI pulls from multiple sources to create the content users search for. However, it doesn't provide citations. There is no way of knowing where the information came from. When AI is used for content writing, certain disadvantages can contribute to plagiarism:
- Lack of originality
- Inability to understand intellectual property
- Limited contextual understanding
- Insufficient attribution and referencing
- Ethical concerns
"The legal risk is that an author or artist can sue for blatant plagiarism of their original work if it's too closely related." - Tristen Taylor, HubSpot

4. Google Might Devalue AI-Content
Google and other search engines try to provide users with the most relevant content in their search results. While AI-generated content can be helpful in some instances, there are several reasons why Google may devalue AI content:
- Lack of originality
- Low-quality content
- Unreliable or inaccurate information
- Lack of expertise
- User feedback and engagement
Tristen Taylor gives us this helpful piece of advice:
"You don't need to forego AI in your content creation process altogether. Instead, use it wisely to help build on your own creativity — covering elements like grammar-checking, content ideation, or short-form content."
5. Can't Come Up With New Ideas
AI algorithms are great at generating content based on patterns and existing data. However, they often struggle with originality and creative thinking. They can only generate what they've been programmed to do. Content that requires unique perspectives and ideas may be difficult for AI systems to produce. In this case, human writers have got AI algorithms beat.
"They are unable to curate anything new, imaginative, or creative. As previously said, AI can't build an emotional connection to the readers." - Wordhero
The Verdict
The truth is, there is no definitive verdict (members of the court gasp in shock). The idea of using AI tools for writing content is not so black or white. We cannot simply state if writers and brands should use it or not. That is something to be determined by each person or business once they weigh the advantages and disadvantages of using AI.

In our humble opinion, AI can be used as a writing assistant, helpful in providing ideas and getting the ball rolling. However, it's simply not meant to replace human writers. At least not yet, anyway. It still needs that extraordinary human voice and creativity that engages audiences, not to mention the significant task of editing and fact-checking.
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